Eleutherococcus senticosus, sometimes referred to as the KING OF ADAPTOGENS is a species of small, woody shrub. Other names for Eleutherococcus senticosus are Eleuthero, devil’s bush, Siberian ginseng, ciwujia, Devil’s shrub, shigoka, touch-me-not, wild pepper, or kan jang, Taiga, Thorny Pepperbush, Ci Wu Jia. Gaia Root, Acanthopanax senticosus, Russian Root.
Eleuthero has been used for thousands of years and was traditionally used in Russia and china to help prevent colds and flu, to increase energy, longevity and vitality. It is classified as an ‘adaptogen’. Adaptogens have properties which can help the human body resist a wide variety of potentially harmful influences such as viruses, toxins, temperature changes and radiation. Eleuthero has been the subject of over 1,000 studies in Russia and this research has shown that it may increase energy, stamina and task performance.
Eleuthero may be chosen for physically and mentally demanding lifestyles and/or as an adaptogen, helping the body to adapt to different situations and stresses. Many people who have taken Eleuthero have said they felt it had helped them with fatigue, combating stress, convalescence and even helping support stamina and recovery in sport.
Eleuthero can be traced as far back as 4,000 years.
Li Shih-Chen, a 16th century Chinese herbalist who has been considered to be China’s greatest naturalist - “Rather take a handful of eleuthero than a cartload of gold and jewels.”
According to Soviet research, almost everyone can benefit from its use and it is widely recognised as being a safe and effective way of strengthening and maintaining a healthy immune system.
It is not a Ginseng!
Although Eleutherococcus senticosus (Eleuthero) is commonly known as Siberian Ginseng, this can cause confusion as Eleuthero is NOT a true ginseng, it is more like a distant relative to true ginseng. It may share some similar qualities but they are in fact different species and have different safely outlines. Eleuthero does not contain ginsenosides, which are what makes up a ginseng. Instead it contains Eleutheroside which is the active ingredients in Eleuthero that provide different adaptogenic effects.
You can take Eleuthero daily, it has been historically suggested to take Eleuthero for 8 consecutive weeks then have a 1 to 2 weeks break before taking again.
Side effects and safety
Eleuthero is safe to take and side effects are rare.
Some of the side effects which have been noted have include drowsiness, change in heart rhythm, anxiety, muscle spasms and other possible side effects and if taken in high doses, increased blood pressure.
Although Eleuthero appears to be safe during pregnancy there is not enough research done on the safety of taking Eleuthero when pregnant or breastfeeding, therefore it not always recommended.
If you have a bleeding disorder, heart disorder, high or low blood pressure, diabetes, hormone sensitive condition, mental condition, such as mania or schizophrenia, then please seek guidance from a health care professional and monitor yourself if taking Eleuthero.
When taking any health supplement you must always take with caution and speak to a health care professional if you are under any medical supervision, are taking any medication or prescription. When using health supplements an individuals response may vary. Some products may not mix well with other health supplements or other natural products or medicines. Only your health care professional can advise you on what is right for you. This information should not be considered as medical claims or prescription.