Declan heywood-Dean triathlon llanberis

Declans first Triathlon in Llanberis

This is Declan Heywood-Dean when he took part in his first triathlon in Llanberis at the foot of Snowdonia. Declan is an old friend, so with his first triathlon being so close to home, I decided to show my support. 
Declan started taking Elagen Sport a few weeks before race day and said he definitely noticed a difference after taking them. He told me he could not believe his progress after taking Elagen Sport and because of our support, his first triathlon was a great success. 
After the race we all took part in some wall climbing, overall it was a brilliant day. 
Declan since then has been travelling the world.
Eladon Ltd wishes Declan all the best for the future and we are here to support you in any future races.
-- Allie --
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